Prolyte stage constructions
+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495)

Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495)

Call monday through friday, from 09:00 to 19:00Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


Prolyte stage constructions


these are the most massive stage complexes compared to Prolyte ST stage complexes , but at the same time these CT-roofed stages are capable to carry high even distributed loads – the roof structure includes for suspension of the lighting, and other equipment weighing up to 15000 kg. The latter is possible due to the usage of heavy-duty trussed frames for main beams service. And this is achieved with the help of B100RV truss structural member used as the main beam, and S52SV-truss structural member used as the ridge construction, as well as by means of С52Т-system consisting of eight standards. For the customer, the main advantage of Prolyte ST iron sheet roof is in the usage of the up to 30 m wide unsupported span.