Other definitions
+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495) 651...show

Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495) 651...show

Call monday through friday, from 09:00 to 19:00Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


Other definitions

Cost estimate

is a document allowing to estimate any working costs, inclusive of other expenses. The event cost estimate might include such cost items, as stage equipment rentals, renting of light devices, sound applications rent, hiring of video equipment, generator rental, consumables, transport, various assembly and disassembly works, and many other cost items. As a rule, cost account constitutes part of the agreement on the rendering of services on technical provision of the event as an attachment to it. Cost estimate is also an instrument perfectly well regulating actual relationships established between the Customer and Technical Contractor, i.e. enrolling the following: equipment rented out for a specified term, event date, project location, number of technical personnel and cars, color and finish & formation of consumable materials, and many others.