Other definitions
+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495) 651...show

Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


+7 (495) 651-92-62 +7 (495) 651...show

Call monday through friday, from 09:00 to 19:00Call monday through friday,
from 09:00 to 19:00


Other definitions

Production management

is project management & project control in the first place, including organizational and technical provision of show business projects. Professional technical management of the production management implementing Company is, as a rule, represented in the person of the event technical director. Sometimes, production management implies both provision of equipment rental services for the show and the event video content development, along with arrangement of technical documentation, framing the concepts of the event, writing the briefs and similar services mostly inherent to the event agencies. Production management includes such activities as studying of the technical features of site, preparation and development of technical documentation (drawings, plot plans, suspension layout diagrams, computation of load-carrying capacities, and so on), making out of technical assignment, selection of contractors & subcontractors for the project, arrangement of assembling/disassembling works, and solving of all issues arising and provision of all necessary agreements as well, including control operations.